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Terminologia dels videojocs - Presentation

© Author and Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2021 (First edition: 2008)


The video game industry is nowadays a mass phenomenon. The first arcade games, appeared in the eighties, have given way to a market that stands as one of the most significant audiovisual fields. The development of computer science and the new technologies, together with the Internet spread and the influence of new habits in leisure, have been, to a large extent, responsible for that.

With the aim of offering the specific terminology on this sector to video game producers and users, we present the Terminologia dels videojocs ('Video game Terminology'), that gathers 330 Catalan terms with the definition and the equivalences in Spanish, French, English and German. The work is the result of the collaboration between terminologists and specialists on this field.

Clicking on "Consulta de termes" (‘Term search’), terms can be looked up in three ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language), using the thematic access or making simple or advanced searches in the upper space "Text de la consulta" (‘Text search’) in any of the dictionary languages.


Work team
Concept diagram

Other documents related to the project:


Termes de videojocs: com els diem en català? (interactiu, 2019)

Termes de videojocs: com els diem en català?         

Videojocs. Termes clau (relat immersiu, 2016)

Videojocs. Termes clau         

Joc del Màrius Gros (videojoc, 2008) (Adobe Flash Player)

Joc del Màrius Gros


Author and Publisher:

Logo Termcat


TERMCAT, CENTRE DE TERMINOLOGIA. Terminologia dels videojocs [en línia]. 3a ed. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2021. (Diccionaris en Línia)


Last update: 04-04-2024