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Terminologia de la sida - Presentació


TERMCAT offers to users a set of terms from the Terminologia de la sida ('AIDS Terminology'), dictionary made by TERMCAT in 2005 in collaboration with the Heath Department of the Catalan Government and professionals in the AIDS field.


Arbre de camp
Taula de fàrmacs antiretrovirals
Taula de malalties definidores de sida
Taula de proteïnes del VIH-1 i el VIH-2


The work gathers more than 500 terms, used in the assistance field. Apart from the Catalan denomination and definition, it offers the equivalents in Spanish, French and English and, often, context notes.


Clicking on Consulta de termes ('Term search'), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language), or introducing a term in any language in the upper space Text de la consulta ('Text search'); this second option allows simple or advanced searches.


Last update: July 2009
© TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, 2007 

Darrera actualització: 25-02-2013