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Diccionari de l'activitat parlamentària

Diccionari de l'activitat parlamentària - Presentación

© Authors: Parliament of Catalonia; Government of Catalonia. Ministry of the Presidency; TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology
© Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2021 (First edition: 2020)


The Diccionari de l’activitat parlamentària ('Dictionary of parliamentary activity') is the result of a collaboration with the Parliament of Catalonia and the Ministry of the Presidency of the Generalitat de Catalunya (the nowadays competent authority for institutional relations and relations with the Parliament). Its purpose is to make the specific terminology of the Parliament of Catalonia’s activity available to academic specialists, parliamentary practitioners and anyone interested, with the aim of spreading this specialized terminology and bringing the Parliament closer to the citizens.

The dictionary includes 422 entries referring to the organization and functioning of the Parliament as well as to the several functions that are intrinsic to it, such as the legislative function, the monitoring and promoting function of the government action and the intervening function. It also includes terms referring to the legislative drafting and the relationship between Parliament and other institutions.

Every entry contains the main Catalan name and its synonyms, if any, the equivalents in Occitan, Spanish, French and English, a definition and many explanatory notes. In addition, 129 of these terms have their equivalent in the Catalan sign language (LSC). These equivalents are displayed at the end of each entry, in the note field, with a link to a video. The videos have been made by the Language Policy Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture.

Clicking on "Consulta de termes" ('Term search'), terms can be looked up in three different ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language), using the thematic access in Catalan or making simple or advanced searches (in the upper space "Text de la consulta" ('Text search') in any of the dictionary’s languages).


Associated documents of the printed edition:
Foreword: president of the Parliament and the ministers of the Presidency and Culture
Foreword: president of the Parliament of Catalonia (2020)
Foreword: minister of Foreign Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency (2020)
Foreword: minister of Culture (2020)
Work team
Concept diagram

Other documents related to the project:
Assembly Hall and Bureau of the Parliament (Infographic)

 Parlament de Catalunya. Saló de Sessions   Parlament de Catalunya. Mesa del Parlament

Sopa de lletres parlamentària (Infographic)

Sopa de lletres parlamentària

Debat de política general (Infographic)

Sessió constitutiva del Parlament (Infographic)

Elecció del president o presidenta de la Generalitat (Infographic)

Les preguntes orals (Infographic)

Sistemes de votació i majories parlamentàries (Infographic)

Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya (Infographic)

 Debat de política general   Sessió constitutiva del Parlament de Catalunya    Elecció del president o presidenta de la Generalitat

Les preguntes orals    Sistemes de votació i majories parlamentàries     Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya

El Diccionari de l'activitat parlamentària (blog post by Roser Serra and Margarida Sanjaume at Journal of Language and Law)

El Diccionari de l'activitat parlamentària (blog post by Roser Serra and Margarida Sanjaume at Llibres Gencat)

Un diccionari en defensa de la democràcia (Book review by Marc Sanjaume Calvet at Journal of Language and Law)



 Parlament de Catalunya     Departament de la Presidència      TERMCAT





PARLAMENT DE CATALUNYA; CATALUNYA. DEPARTAMENT DE LA PRESIDÈNCIA; TERMCAT, CENTRE DE TERMINOLOGIA. Diccionari de l'activitat parlamentària [en línia]. 2a ed. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2021. (Diccionaris en Línia)


Última actualización: 12-01-2024